Approximately 33% of the
child population in India,
out of 6 million are
mentally  disabled.
Help us be the Enablers of
Change !

Currently, out of 6 million disabled child population in India, approximately 33% of total disabled children are mentally disabled.
Help us to  enable the change!

Approximately 33% of the
child population out of 6 million in India are mentally  disabled.
Help us be the Enablers of
Change !

About Us

It brought back memories of a special boy with special need, whom our Chairman Pravin Oswal met in Palitana, Gujarat in Nov 2021. Memory revisited by Chairman Pravin Oswal During the religious visit, where everyone was part of Shankeshwar River Poojan Arati, he was thrilled to see this little boy with special needs enjoying the Arti regardless of everything in surrounding. It felt like he had nothing to complain, and was happily enjoying and thanking god for all the moments. This melted my heart, and gave me immense satisfaction to see the true happiness in that lovely soul.

We salute his parents for always ensuring that he is always accompanied by them, loved, taken care despite the odds. Poojan trust is the result of such a wonderful memory and will always motivate us to share in their joy. Poojan Charitable Trust, Is Recognized By Govt. Asst. Charity Commissioner, Pune. Be The Ray Of Hope For These Divine Souls.
Be A Volunteer.

Watch Our Journey

Below video link provide all information of poojan . Request to spend some time to watch our journey. Share feedback for our improvements. Also please subscribe our channel 🙏

Vision and Mission

We have a dream to make differently abled children self-sufficient, independent for living their life in dignified manner in society by way of educational and medical support to them.
We have a dream to make differently abled children self-sufficient, independent for living their life in dignified manner in society by way of educational and medical support to them.
That the aims and objects for which this POOJAN CHARTIABLE TRUST is created and for which the trust fund may be utilized are as Follows:
We have a dream to make differently abled children self-sufficient, independent for living their life in dignified manner in society by way of educational and medical support to them.
We are helping hand to connect with differently abled children. Our goal is to reach maximum such children to provide medical and educational help to the best possible extent. We are here to enlightened their life with their own self-belief and smile on face.
That the aims and objects for which this POOJAN CHARTIABLE TRUST is created and for which the trust fund may be utilized are as Follows:

What We do

9+ 1

Educational Aid

Poojan is committed for educational support for especially abled and handicapped children from needy families. Poojan is supporting educational needs like educational fees for primary and secondary schools, educational material like books, stationaries etc

9+ 2

Free Check Up Camps

Poojan is planning to arrange various medical camps like dental screening camp, eyes testing, general health check-ups etc for such children

9+ 3

Health Care Aid

Health Care Aides work with disabled, and mentally challenged children's, and offer them routine activities assistance. Poojan Charitable trust helps in administering medicines, their personal care and ensuring best health

Our Dreams

  • 50 bed hospital for specially abled children, handicapped children from underprivileged families
  • School for specially abled children, handicapped children from underprivileged families

We are empowered to do anything to achieve our dreams. We are making every effort to provide these innocent souls with the best things they deserve. One of our life’s goals is our dream, which we hold very dear.

School for children with disabilities and handicap from under privileged families.

State of Art Hospital for children with disabilities and handicap underprivileged families.

Event Gallery

If you want to start some thing unique and new , start with children. These specially abled children show us excellent ways at Pabal during our medical camp on 19 Jan 2025 , These 40 students well behaved during medical…

Poojan conducted medical camp for around 30 blind students and professionals at Ramtekdi Pune on 29 Dec 24 . We checked weight , BP, blood group , Haemoglobin . Our ENT specialist done screening for ear, nose and Throat inspection.…

Iss safar ka naam zindagi😃Location: ZP prathamik shala, koregaon bhima Students tested: 110Tests done: haemogram, blood grouping, general physician check upFun activity: Magic show

On 25 Aug 24 , we conducted 4th camp of this month which is first time for poojan

Poojan organised event on 17 May 2024 in association with Alliance club Pune , it is a get together for poojan for their well wishers , guests, friends and family members with musical night. Poojan trustees explained purpose of poojan formation to all attendees 🙏

We arranged medical camp for 30 mentally disabled children and 40 deaf and dumb students at Urli Kanchan on 3 rd March 24 - 10 am to 1 PM . We conducted dental camp plus blood group + Haemoglobin tests…

  In a beautiful village of Waghapur 160 KM from pune , poojan along with alliance club pune organised medical camp for needy villagers - around 200 villagers got benefited for free treatment for BP + Sugar + physician check…

On 5 Nov 23 , Poojan conducted health check up camp at Swaminivasi vrudhashram Paund Gao , Mulshi Taluka . Around 50 Old aged people benefitted. Poojan donated crucial medical equipment like BP, Sugar and stethoscope for these needy people…

Event Videos

If you want to start some thing unique and new , start with children. These specially abled children show us excellent ways at Pabal during our medical camp on 19 Jan 2025

Poojan conducted medical camp for around 30 blind students and professionals at Ramtekdi Pune 

29th December 24

Poojan medical camp or ZP School Koregao bhima

13th October 24

On 25 Aug 24 , we conducted 4th camp of this month which is first time for poojan

25th August 24

Our mega medical camp for specially abled students at Shikrapur on 4 Aug 24. Friendship day truly celebrated 🙏🙏 .

4th August 24

Poojan arranged mega medical camp and musician show for specially abled children at Charapati nivasi matimand school at pune .

7th April 24

Medical camp at Mahavir’s nivasi matimand school and Mahavir nivasi deaf and dumb school at Urlikanchan Pune

3 rd March 24

Medical camp for needy villagers at Waghapur

 23 Jan 2024

Medical camp at arranged at S. M. Joshi Karnbadhir Vidyalay, Narodi

06 Aug 2023

Medical camp at arranged at S. M. Joshi Karnbadhir Vidyalay, Narodi

06 Aug 2023

Dental camp arranged for specially abled students at Lohegao

25 July 2023

Dental camp and magician show arranged for specially abled children for Samnite’s Shashanki mandal Lonikund pune on
9 April 23

Shrimant Dagdusheth Halwai Ganapathi Darshan on first day of trust formation, Pune
17 July 2022

Poojan charitable Trust announce its first event of medical and oral check up camp for Amrut Bharati Shikshan Sanstha’s Mahavir Nivasi Matimand Vidyalay , Pune 
02nd Oct 2022

Stepping Stone – Gandhi Jayanti Celebration at Mahavir Nivasi Matimand Vidyalaya, Pune 
02nd Oct 2022

Independence  Day Celebration at Mahatma Gandhi Orphanage School, Pune
15 August 2022

Dental checkup , drawing camp for deaf and dumb students at Mahavir muk badhir school urli Kanchan

27 Nov 2022


Lives were touched


People reached through our education programme



300 M+

Happy Lives

Our Young Champs

Our Young Champs with special needs are pure souls with depth of strength, tenacity and resourcefulness.

Our Core Commitee Members

Our Core Committee consists of self motivated members who ensure smooth functioning of Poojan Charitable Trust. It consists of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee’s and other voluntary members. At present, the following are the members:





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Thomas V. Roldan
Thomas V. Roldan4268 Amethyst Drive
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Thomas V. Roldan
Thomas V. Roldan4268 Amethyst Drive
East Lansing, MI 48823
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Thomas V. Roldan
Thomas V. Roldan4268 Amethyst Drive
East Lansing, MI 48823
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Thomas V. Roldan
Thomas V. Roldan4268 Amethyst Drive
East Lansing, MI 48823
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Charity opportunities are like buses. There's always another one coming. Be ready to serve!

What Our Committee Members Say

What Our Well-Wishers Say

Our Supporters

We Are Recognized By Govt. Asst. Charity Commissioner, Pune.
Be The Ray Of Hope For These Divine Souls.
Be A Volunteer. Contact Us


That the aims and objects for which this POOJAN CHARTIABLE TRUST is created and for which the trust fund may be utilized are as Follows:

1. The trust has been created for charitable purposes as defined by the Income Tax act of 1961. The object of the Trust shall not include any activity for the profit within the meaning of the income Tax Act of 1961.

2 To start, manage and administer any Orphanage, Nursing home, old age Homes, Hospitals, libraries, Diagnostic Centres, reading rooms, Schools, colleges, ITI institutes, Research Institutions and other institution and extend its benefits to society at large irrespective of caste, creed or social status and to acquire land and building and other assets and properties for achieving the objects of the Trust.

3 To provide medical facilities for deserving children’s who are differently abled. To start R Health Clinic, Hospitals, Mobile Health Units etc.,

4. To arrange medical camps for children for their health check up and to aid medical help to needy and mainly handicapped and differently abled children.

5. To take over, absorb or amalgamate with any other trust or society or association or institution whose objects are similar to the objects of this trust.

6. To wild and to operate the schools and rehabilitation centres for needy handicapped and differently abled children, belonging to all denominations, irrespective of caste, creed, race, religion or language.

7. To spread the messages of preserving and conserving the Indian culture and save the same from influence of the western cultures throughout India and in all foreign countries.

8. To help and to provide relief to the poor irrespective of caste, creed, race, religion or language.

9. To support and promote the growing of trees and drilling of bore wells, restoration of water tanks, taking up drinking water projects, water development programs and providing of space and rooms for conducting religious functions or any other allied activities as the trustees deem fit from time to time.

10. To start and run rehabilitation centres for mentally retarded, physically handicapped persons and to start vocational centres.

11. To promote cultural and artistic subjects / works like Drawings, paintings, music, shows, dramatic performances and dances reflecting / exhibiting the preaching of all religion’s heads of India, and Indian cultures / traditions.

12. To establish the education institutions for professional and medical sciences including the Indian system of Medicines including the establishment of research Institutions specially for needy and poor children

13. To promote and establish, and administer educational and vocational school or institution or college or deemed university and to run the same for educational or vocational purpose, in various places throughout India as well as outside India, subject to various permissions as required, with a motive to render service to the public and especially to economically backward students.

14. To cooperate with the Central & State Government and other authorities in extending aid for educational and medical purposes.

15. To admit students for various discipline and subjects and for courses offered by the institution run by this trust and to offer scholarships to the deserving and/ or economically backward, differently abled students.

16. To accept donations grants, presents and offerings, in cash or in kind from persons, association of persons, firms, companies, institutions, universities in India & abroad and to deal with the same for the purpose of achieving the objects of the trust mentioned above upon such terms and conditions as trustees may think fit and consistent with the objects of the trust.

17. To develop and mobilize Community and Natural Resources to give the right direction to people of the marginalized and economically weaker section of the trust for their sustainable overall development.

18. To work with special concentration for the differently abled Child to make him independent, literate and financially stable

19. To organize and take up Health, Educational and Welfare programmes for needy children on priority basis.

20. To promote charitable values, literature, science, art, education and culture.

21. To explore ways for promotion of socioeconomic development in the community.

22. To work for the welfare of trust neglected and marginalized section of the people.

23. To protest and fight against the injustice against handicapped and differently abled children.

24. To encourage and promote family welfare activities among needy people.

25. To aid or establish any institution technical or otherwise, to promote education of art, Science or other related fields for the benefit of downtrodden and weaker sections of the trust.

26. To arrange and provide medical aid and other assistance necessary for living to the needy people who are incapable or handicapped or mentally/physically retarded and financially unfit.

27. To communicate and coordinate with the Govt. Local and public authorities on various issues related to development welfare and public interest on different subjects.

28 To construct, maintain, alter, improve or develop any building belonging to the trust or works necessary or convenient for purpose of the trust.

29. To arrange / establish and maintain centres of adult education, vocational education technical training, low cost education, formal & non-formal education.

30. To fight against HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases.
31. To aware people about various social issues to fight against evils.

32. To organize and take-up Health, Educational and Welfare programmes for needy & poor Women & Children.

33. To promote and protect Indian Traditional music, dance, handicraft, handlooms, Art, modern art & literature.

34. To support the families and relatives of artists for promoting the budding artists in the trust;

35. To establish an award for the deserving people in the field of Music, Art grass root level social service, communal harmony, brotherhood and peace.

36. To encourage the emerging artists and their talents so that they can get proper recognition within and beyond the country.

37. To establish centre(s) for the promotion of Music, Dance and other Arts.

38 To establish residential and non-residential cultural centres for promoting Music, Dance and other Arts.

39. To work for Environmental Protection, Forestation, Plantation, Waste Land Management.

40. To organize vocational training for women and needy people.

41. To organize awareness camps, health camps, March, workshops, campaign and exhibition.

42. To provide various medical services such as organizing health and awareness camps of Immunization, Eye Care, Motherhood, Child Care, and Communicable Diseases.

43. To provide basic medical facility, sanitation, general health care and other needful support which can be helpful for public to overcome sufferings and agony of any natural and manmade disaster and to facilitate them to rehabilitate.

44. To provide medical, emotional, psychological, social and medical support to senior citizens of our trust by setting up various drop-in centres, senior citizen homes, old-age homes and other entertainment centres so that these highly honourable people should not be neglected.

45. To undertake activities for sensitizing people to preserve the natural resources of our nation and to maintain the ecological balance of the area.

46. To provide and facilitate legal assistance to underprivileged and poor section of trust to fight for their rights and justice.

47. To promote, encourage and facilitate research programmes and trainings in the field of public health, education and empowerment.

48. To arrange and organize religious, social and cultural programmes for all human being from time to time.

49. To create a sense of brotherhood, love, humanity, affection, cooperation and friendship amongst the members of the trust and the beneficiaries.

50. To make best efforts for promotion, development and protection of the beneficiaries/ target population and help them in distress.

51. To help poor, widows, handicapped, orphans, old aged, mentally retarded and under privileged section of the trust/community.

52. To run/ operate different types of education program/schools like formal, non-formal, pre-school for the education development of under privileged children of the community/trust.

53. To run the different types of health programmes to raise the health status of vulnerable groups, poor and needy.

54. To work for the empowerment and sensitization of women, adolescents and children.

55. To make up efforts for the education, welfare and development of women, children and backward community in both urban and rural areas throughout the country.

56. To establish the medical facilities in the working locality (if required) such as family planning centres, dispensaries, hospitals etc.

57. To run and open the schools for the welfare and uplift of the needy children and also run adult education programmes.

58. To publish books, magazines, charts, issue related IEC (Information, Education and Communication) materials and other periodical illustration for generating income for the trust for the benefit of its aims.

59 To work and fight against discrimination based on Caste, Creed, Colour, Gender, Religion, Faith, Race & Nationality.

60. To open / run / manage institute / collage of higher / professional / vocation education in any part of the country for providing quality education and training to youth and children.

61. To promote and protect natural herbs and plants by cultivation, preservation, storage, processing, demonstration, creating botanical garden and providing necessary training.

62. To establish / run / manage hospitals, health centres, mobile health clinics, research centre to provide health care, counselling and referral services for all kinds of illness and deceases.

63. To promote traditional therapies like Yoga, Naturopathy, Meditation, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Reiki etc.

64. To establish, build or manage Hostels, Short Stay Homes, Rehabilitation Centres, Shelters, Crèches, Child Care Centre or Children’s Home, Counselling Centres and Help Line Centers for Women, Children, Old aged persons, Drug addicts and needy persons.

65. To work for the welfare of Agricultural workers, Farmers, Unorganized Labours, Industrial Labours and Migrated Labours.

66. To form women groups, youth groups, self-help groups; old aged groups, adolescent groups, children groups/clubs, community leaders groups and group of volunteers.

67. To promote traditional games along with the contemporary sports among youth & others.

68. To work for welfare & support for the families of Martyrs and Prisoners.

69. To work against the exploitation of Animals & Birds and make sincere efforts to protect them.

70. To celebrate annual day of the trust every year as cultural & social event.

71. To establish Citizen Forum(s) and Resident Welfare Association(s) for the development of high values of the Unity, Brotherhood, Communal Harmony and Peace.

72. To promote and support voluntary donation of Blood, Eyes and other parts of human body for charitable purpose.

73. To take up, initiate or assist social development activities or welfare programmes for bringing positive change in the lives of the common people.

77.To Empowering Down Trodden Communities to Leverage All Anti-Poverty Schemes & Programmes.

74. To Promotion of Viable Small Holder Agriculture through Sustainable Agricultural Practices (Organic) and RMGS (Formers Association).

75. To Using Multiple Developmental Interventions To Reach The Widest Possible Range Of Beneficiaries Through Community Based Organization, SHG, and Youth Associations.

76. To Focusing On Children Education With Special Emphasis On Girl Child Education Who Is The Future Leaders Of The Society.

77. To Achieve Complete Literacy and To Work For Promotion of Education.

78. To Work Towards Elimination Of Practice Of Child Labour And To Take Appropriate Steps For Their Rehabilitation.

79. To Implement And Co-Ordinate Various Activities Relating To Welfare Of People Belonging To Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes And Minority Groups And Also Engage Itself In Related Research Activities.

80 To make efforts for the overall development of society.

81. To Implement A Job-Oriented and Labour-Based Educational System; Establish, Manage and Run Such Educational Institutions for Meeting the Needs, Aspirations and Welfare of Every Section Of Society.

82. To Set-Up and Run Training Centres In Remote Rural Areas Of The State, To Uplift The Educational and Economic Standards Of The Deprived Sections Of Society, And To Eliminate Their Prevailing Bad Social Customs, Illiteracy, Dowry System, Child Marriage, Fanaticism Etc.

83. To Organize and Conduct Programmes on Health, Education and Sanitation; Create Public Awareness.

84. To Create Awareness and Implement Health and Family Welfare and To Organize Awareness Movement for Population Control.

85. To Implement Various Integrity Based Programmes.

86. To Develop the Leadership Capacity Of The Society And Inculcating The Sense Of Belongings Amongst People Of All Groups And Religion.

87. To manage and Implement all Governmental and Non-Governmental Schemes Meant for Human Welfare.

88. To Secure Financial and Other Assistance from National and International Agencies/Organizations.

89. To Establish and Manage Cultural and Spiritual Institutions

90. To Celebrate of National and international days and conduct Sports, yoga class event in summer days.

91. To Celebrate National Festivals, Freedom Fighters / Leaders Birthdays, State Festival and other common festivals.

92. Any other objects not inconsistent with sprit of this Trust and the Income Tax Act of 1961.

93. To collaborate, assist and join with similar institutions for fulfilling the objects of the Trust.

Donation Bank Details

Icici bank account number -007405010443

Name- Poojan Charitable Trust

Branch – Kondhwa

Ifsc – Icic0000074

Poojan Charitable Trust, Is Recognized By Govt. Asst. Charity Commissioner, Pune.